Storm Preparation

Worrying about “normal” problems at your property when you’re not there is scary enough.

Luckily, Wingman Home Watch Service can provide peace of mind for many of these fears by providing monitoring service and site visits. By keeping your place secure when you’re not there, we hope to put your mind at rest, whether you’ve gone for a few weeks or an extended period of time.

But what about things that are unexpected, such as natural disasters like hurricanes?

We also prepare for these, and you also don’t need to worry (even though you probably will.)

Our Storm Prep service is designed to make sure all necessary measures are put in place to help your property withstand natural forces and stay secure in the aftermath.

Storm Prep

Though it’s not always easy to predict tropical storms or hurricanes in advance, we move into action when an official Storm Watch is issued. It’s true that sometimes storms can change direction or lose their power, but we always make sure we’re ready for the worst, and so is your property.

Our services include:

  • Moving any outdoor furnishings or property to a secure location to avoid damage or them being blown away.
  • Sandbag preparation and installation.
  • If hurricane shutters are already installed, we’ll make sure they are closed.
  • A quick walk-around to make sure everything is prepared, including any hurricane fabric.
  • After a storm hits, we’ll also visit the property in a timely manner to see if any internal or external damage took place, including possible water damage from rain. We will also that the home has power.
  • We’ll remove any protection such as shutters, rearrange furniture, and take pictures, either to show you any damage or that we visited and everything is fine.

If insurance claims or other security assistance may be needed we’ll also alert you to the situation.