Rental Assistance

The idea of owning a vacation rental is an excellent one, starting with additional income for the times you’re not there to enjoy the place yourself.

But sometimes being a property owner can get complicated because of your renters.

The ideal tenants will treat your property well and notify you quickly with any questions or problems. However, less-than-ideal renters might steal or damage the place accidentally or deliberately and not tell anyone until they’re long gone.

To help you stay informed about the activities of your renters and the condition of your home, Wingman Home Watch offers rental assistance services.

These services can start with being a point of contact for renters. One of our representatives who is familiar with the area will be happy to greet them in person, show them around the home, provide them keys and other useful contact information, and outline any ground rules.

They can also be available to take care of minor problems or answer easy questions, including providing keys if a renter loses theirs or needs access.

If larger problems take place, we’re happy to act as a go-between, whether it’s replacing furniture, bringing in maintenance to make repairs, or notifying authorities.

When a tenant leaves, we provide an interior and exterior inspection to make sure any furnishings, electronics or other personal possessions are all accounted for and intact. We also make sure keys are safely returned.

This will be followed by a cleaning service which makes sure the place looks spotless for the next set of renters or for you and your family if it’s your turn to visit.

Having rental assistance from trained people who can be on site anytime can provide piece of mind to property owners who may not always be available to get involved.